For this episode of Chat With Traders podcast, ironically, I’m not chatting with a trader. Instead, I’m speaking with Kimberly Trautmann and she’s Head of DRW Venture Capital.
DRW began as a Chicago trading firm, founded by Don Wilson 25 years ago. Since then, it has grown to be one of the world’s largest firms, with offices in six major cities around the globe and over 800 employees.
It has also become much more than solely a trading firm—the firm’s operations have extended to cryptocurrency market making, large scale property development, and of course, venture capital.
Kim and I talk about; why companies seek venture capital, how investment opportunities are assessed and valued, thoughts on risk/reward. Plus, why the firm has a keen interest in companies innovating with blockchain technology (and ICO’s!)

Kimberly Trautmann: Head of DRW Venture Capital, formerly Principal Strategic Investments at Goldman Sachs.
Links and resources mentioned:
- Episode 139: Bobby Cho
- @DRWTrading [Twitter]
- @KimTraut [Twitter]
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