I’d like you to meet part-time Bollywood DJ, full-time equities trader: Nishant Porbanderwalla…
For the past 12-years and ever since leaving college, Nish has been a proprietary trader at Kershner Trading Group—KTG is a trading firm in Austin (Texas) founded by Andy Kershner, who appeared back on episode 128.
Nish was very open in talking about the ups and downs he’s endured throughout his career, including actual PnL and the psychological states. He also tells an incredible story from trading the Flash Crash of August 2015—although it was only a very short moment in time, it’s a perfect example of what happens when opportunity meets experience.
Additionally, Nish gives insight to his trading strategies (past and present), and you’ll pick up a few of his general trading thoughts for how to perform at a high level.

Nishant Porbanderwalla: Senior Equities Trader, Kershner Trading Group.
Links and resources mentioned:
- EP 128: Andy Kershner
- @Nishant82 [Twitter]
- @DJnishatx [Instagram]
- DJnish.com