Gregory Zuckerman is a writer at the Wall Street Journal and author of The Man Who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched The Quant Revolution.
For anyone unfamiliar, Jim Simons is the brilliant-minded mathematician who founded hedge fund Renaissance Technologies. Using quantitative models and with billions in AUM, Renaissance has averaged annualized returns of net 39% since 1988. And these returns only become more spectacular, once you discover that Renaissance investors pay a management and performance fee of 5 and 44—therefore bringing the gross annualized returns to 66%.
Due to the superior performance, today, Jim has an estimated net worth of $23-billion. Greg describes him as being, “The greatest money maker in modern financial history.”
Although journalists have previously covered the rise of Renaissance, for the longest time, much of it was still shrouded with mystery. But by gaining remarkable access to Jim and also many of the people around him, Greg has been able to tell the full story, in print, with detail and accuracy.
Pick up a copy of The Man Who Solved the Market, available on Amazon.

Jim Simons: Mathematician, philanthropist, founder of Renaissance Technology. (Image Source: WSJ)
Links and resources mentioned:
- @GZuckerman [Twitter]
- The Man Who Solved The Market [Amazon]
- Paradise Papers: Jim Simons and the $15-Billion Trust [AFR]
- Baum-Welch Algorithm [Wikipedia]
- Kernel Method [Wikipedia]
- Markov Model [Wikipedia]