Liam Vaughan is a finance author and senior reporter for Bloomberg.
His latest book Flash Crash tells the story of Navinder Singh Sarao, a London trader, living at his parents house, who made ~$70M from his bedroom and was later accused by the U.S. government of playing a role in the 2010 Flash Crash.
This was a deeply perplexing event in which the U.S. stock market, one afternoon, plunged approximately 9% and then almost completely rebounded, all in the space of just 30-minutes.
While Liam speaks on many interesting moments from Nav’s life in this episode—from beginning as prop trader in 2003, through to when he was extradited to the U.S. in 2016—it’s only a sample of what’s covered in the book (an absolute must-read!)

Navinder Singh Sarao, 2015. (Image Source: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg)
Links and resources mentioned:
- Flash Crash [Amazon]
- @LiamVaughanBBG [Twitter]