Ryan Hasson’s a senior trader at Kershner Trading Group/SMB Capital—having joined the firm’s New York office in 2016, after booking a one-way flight from Cape Town, SA.
Ryan may be best described as an intraday equities trader, however he’ll also put on swing positions when there’s a larger story/catalyst/theme at play. I was keen to learn more about how Ryan works these multi-day trades, so we step through specifics.
Additionally, I ask Ryan about his path to becoming a prop trader, early developments, and to conclude our talk, Ryan shares a few of his daily habits, routines, etc.
Topics & Timestamps:
Please note: Exact times will vary depending on current ads.
- 01:22 – Investing phase: the days of value investing (and idolizing Buffett!)
- 08:00 – Experimental phase: becoming a day trader, first strategies, sizing up.
- 20:15 – Growth phase: leveraging acquired skills into other strategies/markets.
- 25:30 – Strategy insights: swing trading market themes and stories.
- 48:40 – Daily habits, routines, trading rules, managing comparison tendencies.

Cumulative PnL: January 2020 – December 2020.
Links & Resources:
- 128: Andy Kershner [Chat With Traders]
- @Trader_RH94 [Twitter]