You’ll recall, I had Andy Kershner on the podcast a few episodes back. Towards the end of that episode, Andy briefly mentioned a cloud-based algo development platform and fund, CloudQuant, which is a subsidiary of Kershner Trading Group…
I mention this, because with me on this episode is Morgan Slade—the CEO of CloudQuant. Morgan’s career as a trader and portfolio manager began 20-years back, and since then he’s worked at many prominent firms and funds. To name just a few; Millburn Ridgefield, Merrill Lynch, Citadel and Allston Trading.
Topics of discussion:
- How large funds and institutions put on $100-million positions; how they work orders into the market, structure the trade and handle market impact etc.
- Morgan explains why he feels as though the common approach to strategy development is counter intuitive, and shares an alternative 3-step formula.
- A simple description of how machine learning and data science is being used by traders, and an example of how ML has been used to improve existing strategies.

Morgan Slade of CloudQuant—former trader at: Millburn Ridgefield, Merrill Lynch, Carlson Capital, Penson Worldwide, Citadel & Allston Trading.
Links and resources mentioned:
- Python Machine Learning [Amazon]
- Quantitative Trading [Amazon]
- Andy Kershner [Episode 128]
- @CloudQuant
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