Acclaimed mental game coach Jared Tendler returns to Chat With Traders, after his first appearance on Episode 86 (2016).
Jared has worked intensively with world champion poker players, PGA golfers, Team Liquid (esports organistion), and of course, active traders—sharing expertise in how mental game impacts performance and tactics to overpower emotional weaknesses.
Jared’s also the author of The Mental Game of Poker 1 & 2. And while many traders have found these books highly relevant, Jared has now delivered a book specifically for traders, with a system to resolve psychological problems: The Mental Game of Trading
Topics & Timestamps:
Please note: Exact times will vary depending on current ads.
- 03:05 – Systemizing mental game, mapping your pattern/emotion.
- 00:00 – Identifying, analyzing and correcting flaws.
- 00:00 – “Emotional control is not a solution, resolution is.”
- 00:00 – Playing an A/B/C game, recognizing and acting accordingly.
- 00:00 – Trader vulnerabilities: greed, fear, hesitation, perfectionism, tilt.
- 00:00 – Pre-market planning vs actuality, emotion vs difficult market conditions.

Jared Tendler: Mental game coach—poker, trading, esports, golf and business.
Links & Resources
- 086: Jared Tendler [Chat With Traders]
- The Mental Game of Trading [Amazon]
- The Mental Game of Poker [Amazon]
- The Mental Game of Poker 2 [Amazon]
- Leverage Your Intuition [eBook]
- Worksheets [Downloads]
- @JaredTendler [Twitter]