Shaun Factor’s an Australian small cap trader, with 20+ years in the game. He’s also a co-founder of 180 Markets, a firm that provides investors with direct access to capital raises.
With a trading approach that’s heavily reliant on instinct and market experience, Shaun has come to be a substantially large trader of small cap companies. In this interview, he explains his ways, anticipating hot sectors, and how he moves in/out of stocks with size.
Shaun also shares deep knowledge surrounding capital raises—a topic that’s not previously been discussed on Chat With Traders podcast.
Topics & Timestamps:
Please note: Exact times will vary depending on current ads.
- 01:35 – Pushing it when conditions are favorable, concentrating on small caps.
- 09:50 – Trading on price, volume, sentiment, psychology—and instinct!
- 18:50 – Building in/out of positions, sizing and risk logic, order book games.
- 46:25 – Reasons to raise capital, identifying quality deals, rules and regulations.

Shaun Factor: Small cap equities trader, co-founder of 180 Markets.
Links & Resources
- Shaun Factor [LinkedIn]