Edwin Dorsey’s an individual investor, passionate about exposing bad companies…
Since being one of the first to flag wrongdoing at Care.com (while a student at Stanford), Edwin has continued to gain credibility for his well-researched, off-the-beaten-path ideas.
Edwin’s analysis and reports—as well as insights to general activity within the short world—are shared in his popular newsletter: The Bear Cave
Topics & Timestamps:
Please note: Exact times will vary depending on current ads.
- 01:35 – Getting introduced to Marc Cohodes and others in finance.
- 07:00 – Becoming involved in short research, first piece, tactics of bad actors.
- 20:55 – Misconceptions, short interest > 100%, naked shorting, price impact.
- 31:20 – Research process, identifying red flags, how to uncover wrongdoing.
- 45:40 – Case study: Edwin’s bullish views on Twitter (TWTR).

Edwin Dorsey: Writer of The Bear Cave newsletter [Source: Illustration by Ryan Melgar, Institutional Investor]
Links & Resources
- Marc Cohodes on GameStop, Melvin, Citadel, State of Short-Selling [YouTube]
- Care.com Puts Onus on Families to Check Caregivers’ Backgrounds [WSJ]
- EDGAR Full Text Search [SEC]
- The Bear Cave [Substack]
- @StockJabber [Twitter]